Dr. Seuss' Birthday!

This past week, we celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday by exploring and reading many of his wonderful books! We ended the week-long festivities with a character parade around the school. The children brought their favourite characters to life by dressing up as them. There were Cat in the Hats, Thing 1 & Thing 2, the Grinch, Fox in Socks and many more to be seen. All of the students had bright smiles as they waved and paraded around the school, sharing their love of reading and characters to the older kids.

We read one of Dr. Seuss' famous books, The Cat in the Hat! We made Thing hair by writing our sight words on strips of blue paper. Look at all those Things!

The children wrote about what they would do if Thing 1 & Thing 2 came to their house. They had some interesting ideas! They also created rhyming words. 

In Maths, we talked about A/B patterns and created the cat's hat. We also measured our strips of red paper to match the length of our white background! We had to do a lot of problem solving to make it work!

We made Thing desserts by combining strawberry jelly and blue whipped cream! Yummy! We also wrote about the procedure of making this treat.

We also read Dr. Seuss' book, Green Eggs & Ham, and of course the children ate green, scrambled eggs!

As a class, we described the green eggs using our sense of smell, taste and sight.

We also made a class graph of whether or not we liked eating the green eggs. After analysing our results, we discovered that the majority of the class liked them! So, if they don't like scrambled eggs at home, remind them that they liked them at school! ;)

We also made a class book after we read, Green Eggs & Ham. The children wrote where they would eat green eggs. Come to Area 1 to read our book!

After we read, Fox in Socks, the children designed their own socks for the fox. They also chose a shape and ordered their numbers from 1-10.

Dancing Zombies!

A couple of weeks ago, the children showcased to the entire school their hard work in learning the Thriller dance by Michael Jackson! They played the role well by transforming from a school child into a zombie. They had white and gray make-up on, as well as dark, mysterious clothing. Their first school performance was THRILL-TASTIC!! I'm so proud of how responsible the students were in learning the dance and getting into character! Bravo!

The Greatest Show in Town!

Welcome to the Year 1 Circus...brought to you by the talented performers and learners in Area 1!